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Rdconsultora: estamos aquí para resolver tus dudas y consultas legales.

Four men in business attire are engaged in a discussion around a table. One man appears to be explaining something while pointing at some documents in front of them. The others are listening attentively, and one holds a pen and a mobile device. The setting is a plain office environment.
Four men in business attire are engaged in a discussion around a table. One man appears to be explaining something while pointing at some documents in front of them. The others are listening attentively, and one holds a pen and a mobile device. The setting is a plain office environment.


Rdconsultora está ubicada en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires ofreciendo asesoramiento jurídico integral para acompañar a las empresas que integran el régimen de la Ley N° 19.640


Nicaragua 6045 piso 3°, CABA, Argentina,


Lunes a Viernes de 9 a 18 hs


+54 - 11 2358 9564
